Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Personal Introduction 1-13-16

Ehab Jawad
AVT 422

Personal Introduction

After high school I wasn't sure what type of career I wanted in the future. when I graduated I took a two years off of college to work and think to myself what exactly it was I wanted to do. I always knew I had an extreme amount of passion for flying and aviation, so I took my brothers advice to look for any aviation school. I did my research on different schools and my best option was eastern Michigan's program (not just because it was closest to my home). So immediately I applied to the school and signed up for the program. I had no previous knowledge whatsoever about aviation, I was just always very interested in flying.
Once I began the program I was overwhelmed by how much there is to learn about the industry, not just flying itself. I started flight training with the school and knew this was exactly what I wanted to do. However the more I began to attend different courses and fly the more I learned about different positions in the industry, not just being a pilot. After about 3 semesters into the program I had a change of heart on what I wanted to do with my career in aviation. Even though I started this program with the hopes of one day becoming a commercial pilot I started becoming very interested in other positions. From working within the airports with management or even one day possibly owning my own flight school. This program helped my passion grow for aviation so I decided to look for jobs that were aviation related.
After a few months of flight training with the school, I went broke very quickly. I didn't realize how expensive it was to fund the training so I knew I had to work twice as hard to finish training. Unfortunately I was never able to get approved for loans so this made my training more difficult. I knew I had two work many hours and eventually this caught up with me very quickly causing me to be very inconsistent with my private pilot training. I found a job at a nearby FBO in Ann Arbor at the Ann Arbor Municipal Airport.
I landed a job at the aviation center flight school which helped me learn even more about FBO's and different types of services that are offered, I met many interested pilots and hardworking people in the industry. Giving me a different perspective on what it really takes to make it in this industry. Sadly this job wasn't enough for me and since then I have still been working on my private pilot’s license.
However I never stopped even though I became inconsistent with my training, I made sure to keep up with my studies. I recently took my private pilot written exam scoring a 92 on my first try. I hope I will eventually be more financially stable as I continue to look for better jobs with better pay that way I can fund the rest of my training. I look forward to becoming an eastern Michigan graduate with a bachelors in aviation flight tech as I am coming closer to graduating.